Kalpataru Capital
Invest in
Your Future
ETFs expose investors to similar stocks, creating concentration risk. Our Curated Portfolio Builder, powered by AI, helps investors craft personalized portfolios with stock selection based on performance, volatility, and market trends—offering smarter diversification and control.
Let’s redefine equity investing beyond one-size-fits-all ETFs!
Our Investment
In today’s world, passive investing through ETFs accounts for over 60% of U.S. equity assets under management, with global ETF markets projected to exceed $15 trillion by 2026. While ETFs simplify investing, they often lead investors to the same set of companies, resulting in concentration risks that create market vulnerabilities and limit flexibility.
Our Solution to
Responsible Investment
A Curated Portfolio Builder that empowers investors to craft personalized portfolios from individual stocks. Our AI-driven platform tailors selections based on rigorous stock analysis and data-driven criteria—including past performance, volatility, future growth projections by analysts, and current market trends. We evaluate headwinds and tailwinds affecting specific sectors and companies, consider macro and microeconomic conditions, and integrate real-time data from other market participants to capture emerging trends.
With this robust analysis, our platform enhances diversification while allowing investors to maintain control over their exposure, effectively moving beyond the standardized approach of ETFs. By combining advanced data insights with personalized curation, we’re redefining active investing, offering smarter risk management and a dynamic, forward-looking approach to equity portfolios.
Step beyond ETFs and experience the future of active investing with us!